Traer means to bring, to wear and to carry in Spanish. The conjugation of traer in the present tense is: Yo traigo (I bring), tú traes (you bring), él/ella/usted trae (he/she brings, you bring), nosotros traemos (we bring), vosotros traéis (you bring) and ellos/ellas/ustedes traen (they/you bring).
Oír means both “to hear” and “to listen” in Spanish. The conjugation of oír in the present tense is: Yo oigo (I hear), tú oyes (you hear), él/ella/usted oye (he/she hears, you hear), nosotros oímos (we hear), vosotros oís (you hear) and ellos/ellas/ustedes oyen (you/they hear).
Salir means both “to leave” and “to go out” in Spanish. The conjugation of salir in the present tense is: Yo salgo (I leave), tú sales (you leave), él/ella/usted sale (he, she leaves; you leave), nosotros salimos (we leave), vosotros salís (you leave) and ellos/ellas/ustedes salen (they/you leave).
The Spanish verb volver means to return, come back and do again. The conjugation of volver in the present tense is: Yo vuelvo (I return), tú vuelves (you return), él/ella/usted vuelve (he/she returns, you return) nosotros volvemos (we return), vosotros volvéis (you return) and ellos/ellas/ustedes vuelven (they/you return).
Dormir (Meaning: to sleep in Spanish) is a an essential verb for all students. The conjugation of dormir in the present tense is: Yo duermo (I sleep), tú duermes (you sleep), él/ella, usted duerme (he/she sleeps, you sleep), nosotros dormimos (we sleep), vosotros dormís (you sleep) and ellos/ellas/ustedes duermen (they/you sleep).
Vivir (Meaning: to live in Spanish) is an essential verb for students of all levels. The conjugation of vivir in the present tense is: Yo vivo (I live), tú vives (you live), él/ella/usted vive (he/she lives, you live), nosotros vivimos (we live), vosotros vivís (you live) and ellos/ellas/ustedes viven (they/you live).
The verb comer (Meaning: to eat in Spanish) is an essential verb for students of all levels. The conjugation of comer in the present tense is: Yo como (I eat), tú comes (you eat), él/ella/usted come (he/she eats, you eat), nosotros comemos (we eat) vosotros coméis (you eat) and ellos/ellas/ustedes comen (they/you eat).
Decir (Meaning: to say, to tell) is a essential Spanish verb for all students. The conjugation of decir in the present tense is: Yo digo (I say), tú dices (you say), él/ella/usted dice (he/she says, you say), nosotros decimos (we say), vosotros decís (you say) and ellos/ellas/ustedes dicen (they say).
Dar in means “to give” in Spanish and is an essential verb for all students. The conjugation of dar in the present tense is: Yo doy (I give), tú das (you give), él/ella/usted da (he/she gives; you give), nosotros damos (we give), vosotros dais (you give) and ellos/ellas/ustedes dan (they/you give).
The Spanish verb conocer translates to “to know”, in the context of knowing people and places. The conjugation of conocer in the present tense is: Yo conozco (I know), tú conoces (you know), él/ella, usted conoce (he/she knows, you know), nosotros conocemos (we know), vosotros conocéis (you now) and ellos/ellas/ustedes conocen (they/you know).