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Traer means to bring, to wear and to carry in Spanish. The conjugation of traer in the present tense is: Yo traigo (I bring), tú traes (you bring), él/ella/usted trae (he/she brings, you bring), nosotros traemos (we bring), vosotros traéis (you bring) and ellos/ellas/ustedes traen (they/you bring).

Read More about Traer Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Bring In Spanish

Oír means both “to hear” and “to listen” in Spanish. The conjugation of oír in the present tense is: Yo oigo (I hear), tú oyes (you hear), él/ella/usted oye (he/she hears, you hear), nosotros oímos (we hear), vosotros oís (you hear) and ellos/ellas/ustedes oyen (you/they hear).

Read More about Oír Conjugation: How To Conjugate To Hear In Spanish

Salir means both “to leave” and “to go out” in Spanish. The conjugation of salir in the present tense is: Yo salgo (I leave), tú sales (you leave), él/ella/usted sale (he, she leaves; you leave), nosotros salimos (we leave), vosotros salís (you leave) and ellos/ellas/ustedes salen (they/you leave).

Read More about Salir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Leave” In Spanish

The Spanish verb volver means to return, come back and do again. The conjugation of volver in the present tense is: Yo vuelvo (I return), tú vuelves (you return), él/ella/usted vuelve (he/she returns, you return) nosotros volvemos (we return), vosotros volvéis (you return) and ellos/ellas/ustedes vuelven (they/you return).

Read More about Volver Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Return” In Spanish

Dormir (Meaning: to sleep in Spanish) is a an essential verb for all students. The conjugation of dormir in the present tense is: Yo duermo (I sleep), tú duermes (you sleep), él/ella, usted duerme (he/she sleeps, you sleep), nosotros dormimos (we sleep), vosotros dormís (you sleep) and ellos/ellas/ustedes duermen (they/you sleep).

Read More about Dormir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Sleep” In Spanish

Vivir (Meaning: to live in Spanish) is an essential verb for students of all levels. The conjugation of vivir in the present tense is: Yo vivo (I live), tú vives (you live), él/ella/usted vive (he/she lives, you live), nosotros vivimos (we live), vosotros vivís (you live) and ellos/ellas/ustedes viven (they/you live).

Read More about Vivir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Live” In Spanish

The verb comer (Meaning: to eat in Spanish) is an essential verb for students of all levels. The conjugation of comer in the present tense is: Yo como (I eat), tú comes (you eat), él/ella/usted come (he/she eats, you eat), nosotros comemos (we eat) vosotros coméis (you eat) and ellos/ellas/ustedes comen (they/you eat).

Read More about Comer Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Eat” In French

Decir (Meaning: to say, to tell) is a essential Spanish verb for all students. The conjugation of decir in the present tense is: Yo digo (I say), tú dices (you say), él/ella/usted dice (he/she says, you say), nosotros decimos (we say), vosotros decís (you say) and ellos/ellas/ustedes dicen (they say).

Read More about Decir Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Say” in Spanish

Dar in means “to give” in Spanish and is an essential verb for all students. The conjugation of dar in the present tense is: Yo doy (I give), tú das (you give), él/ella/usted da (he/she gives; you give), nosotros damos (we give), vosotros dais (you give) and ellos/ellas/ustedes dan (they/you give).

Read More about Dar Conjugation: How To Conjugate “To Give” In Spanish

The Spanish verb conocer translates to “to know”, in the context of knowing people and places. The conjugation of conocer in the present tense is: Yo conozco (I know), tú conoces (you know), él/ella, usted conoce (he/she knows, you know), nosotros conocemos (we know), vosotros conocéis (you now) and ellos/ellas/ustedes conocen (they/you know).

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